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Create your Digital ID once, reuse it from anywhere, at anytime

We need to verify our ID repeatedly to access a range of government services.

It can take time and effort to collect your important documents and visit a government shop front or office each time you need to verify your ID. 

Having a Digital ID with the Australian Government's Digital ID System helps you to do your business with government entirely online.

It reduces the need to take ID documents to a government shop front and replaces using multiple logins to access different government services.

Your Digital ID allows you to prove who you are online for work, education and personal use, and you can re-use your Digital ID whenever you see this button: 

Continue with Digital Identity button

myGovID  is the Australian Government’s Digital ID app available through the Australian Government's Digital ID system.

Why Digital ID?

We’re all engaging online more than ever before. With more transactions shifting to digital, we need to verify “who we are” in a trusted and safe environment when accessing services online.

Accessing services with a secure digital ID:

  • means there are less copies of your ID data and documents out in the world
  • limits the risks of identity theft and fraud
  • restricts the oversharing of personal information
  • puts you back in control of your personal information. 

Private and secure

The Australian Government's Digital ID system has been designed to protect your privacy and security

It offers safeguards to stop your personal information being collected, profiled, used or sold for other purposes, such as direct marketing.

Digital ID providers in the system need to ensure they have security features that undergo rigorous assessment and testing. 

Your personal information

The Australian Government's Digital ID system is designed so you can control your personal information. It protects a person’s privacy by only sharing the minimum amount of personal data needed during transactions – rather than sharing your whole ID documents. You can see what information services are asking for and you’ll be asked for your express consent to share the information.

Basic, Standard or Strong - ID proofing levels

When accessing or applying for services, you may be asked to verify more ID documents and in some cases, taking a scan of your face. This is because some services have a higher level of risk of incorrectly verifying you, or providing the service to the wrong person.  

The documents you need to create your Digital ID vary depending on what strength Digital ID you need to create and the identity app you use to create it.   

Find out more about theID proofing levels the Australian Government uses. 

Age requirements

Currently, the Australian Government's Digital ID app, myGovID, requires people to be 15 years or older to create a Digital ID.

Can’t get a Digital ID? 

If you can’t use Digital ID, or don’t want to, you can usually keep accessing government services on the phone or in person at government shop fronts across the country. Some services for businesses may require a Digital ID.     

If you are unable to access the service you want because you don’t have a Digital ID or the right strength Digital ID, contact them, they will usually have other support channels available.