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Video transcript

Image appears of a drawing of a female rocking a pram with a baby inside and looking at a Smartphone and text appears: Simple, Safe, Secure

Narrator: Your Digital Identity is a simple, safe and secure way to prove who you are

A circle appears around the woman’s head and upper body and circles with icons inside showing a .gov pass, a handbag, a mortar board and a Smartphone appear around her linked to her

Narrator: for government services, work, education and personal use.

Image changes to show four circles with a person inside of each and a padlock symbol on the side of each

Narrator: It provides Australians a safe, easy and convenient way to prove who they are.

Image changes to show drawings of a female student, a male apprentice, a Chinese businessman, and a female and a baby

Narrator: Perhaps you're a student starting a new course, an apprentice beginning a new job, a business person starting another company, or a parent accessing services for your family.

Image changes to show a drawing of a hand operating a Smartphone with a key symbol on the screen and text appears: Your own master key to unlock online services.

Narrator: Think of your Digital Identity as your own master key to unlock online services as you move through life.

Image shows the forefinger touching the phone screen and the tick symbol appearing and new text appears: No matter where you are, the door is always open.

Narrator: It’s a way of making sure that no matter where you are, the door is always open.

Image changes to show a drawing of a female resting her feet up on an office desk while looking at a Smartphone and a clock ticking on the wall can be seen and text appears: Simple, Safe, Secure

Narrator: It’s  a simple, safe, fast and secure way of proving who you are.

Music plays and the image changes to show text on a white screen: dta,

Image changes to show the Coat of Arms and text beneath: Australian Government

External Youtube video