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Digital ID only does one-to-one matching.

‘One-to-one’ matching, is simply matching your face (taking a selfie) with an ID document that you own – and only with your consent.  

We’re most familiar with this being done with our driver licenses. For example, when entering a licenced premise (such as a pub or club), you often need to show your ID and it’s checked that your face matches the photo ID you provided.  

This is what the Australian Government’s Digital ID does if you choose to strengthen your Digital ID to a Strong level.  

To strengthen your Digital ID, you can take a selfie or photo of your face which is then matched with the photo on your passport.  Once it is verified, the image is deleted.  

This additional verification step also protects you from identity theft because an imposter won’t be able to pretend to be you because their face won’t match the photo on your documents.    

‘One-to-many’ matching, is when your face is matched against databases of images. This technology is employed with border control and national security protocols, and is expressly prohibited by Digital ID legislation.